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How to type French letters on your computer?

There are several ways to do that. Here are a few of them. I'm not a Mac user so I cannot give advice on that. If you have tips to share, just let me know.


A. For the occasional French typist

If you use Microsoft Word, you can go to insert > symbol and then insert the correct letter (but make sure you've selected (normal text) in the font window of the symbol window, otherwise you'll get a different font from the one you're currently using). This method is rather clumsy and is suitable only for occasional French typing.


B. For the regular French typist

If you're going to type French regularly (as I'm sure you're all planning to do!!!), you can assign a shortcut key to each letter (this is also done through the insert > symbol window: click shortcut key and follow the instructions). That's what I've done on my computer, but of course, it works only in Word and you have to remember all the shortcut keys.


C. For the eclectic French typist

Another method, which works with most computer softwares (word processing, e-mail, ICQ, etc.), is to press ALT and a code using the right hand number key pad (it does not work with the number keys on top of your keyboard, but only with the number key pad on the right of the keyboard!!!). Print this page and keep it next to your computer !

ALT + 0233
ALT + 0244
ALT + 0232
ALT + 0156
ALT + 0234
ALT + 0238
ALT + 0235
ALT + 0239
ALT + 0224
ALT + 0249
ALT + 0226
ALT + 0251
ALT + 0231
ALT + 0252
ALT + 0199


D. For the easy-going French typist

There's still another way, and that is to download the Microsoft Visual Keyboard. This software will turn your English keyboard into a French one (so you run the risk of hitting the wrong key), but the advantage is that they also provide a picture of that keyboard: you click on the picture of the key you want and it is typed on your page. Very easy and very useful.


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